Escape LinkedIn jail: security tips & automation risks

Escape LinkedIn jail: security tips & automation risks

In 2022, many marketers in IT, B2B businesses, digital, and other niches decide to use LinkedIn for lead generation. According to statistics, 4 out of 5 users of this social network are the people who make business decisions. Therefore, your goal may be to reach the target audience as quickly as possible through automation. Before using an automation solution, everyone should think about whether it is safe for the account, because your LinkedIn account can store thousands of business connections that you would not want to lose. 

Now you can find many automation solutions.  Some work as a browser extension, some work through the cloud, and others, like Linked Helper, you install on your computer. Next, we will dispel all the myths about the security of particular types of automation software. Instead of thinking how to get out of linkedin jail you need to understand why you can use automation software and how to do it with little or no risk. Linked Helper has gone through two phases of development – from a Chrome plugin to standalone software. We will reveal why this latter form of automation is the most secure for your account and cannot be recognized by the social network’s detection mechanisms.

LinkedIn automation detection: What should you consider?  

Here are some points to start with if you are just diving into the topic:

linkedin automation detection
  • Manual actions are not a guarantee of safety, but they inhibit the growth of your profile. If you are a supporter of fair play and still manually expand your network – for example, you put likes by clicking on the buttons yourself – this does not mean that your account cannot seem suspicious to LinkedIn. Too much activity, especially on a new profile, may cause LinkedIn to notice suspicious activity, and the social network may give you a warning. Therefore, sometimes it is easier to purchase more mature social network profiles and use them for business – we have revealed all the secrets of how to do this in the article.
  • The IP address or location plays a role in automation detection. When choosing cloud software, or even if you give access to your profile to another person, the IP will be different for each session on the social network. And for detection mechanisms, it may be a sign to send you a blocking warning, because it is physically impossible to use the same profile from different locations during the day. The behavior can become suspicious if the IPs from different countries (USA and Germany for example) change every day. LinkedIn also sees if your activity occurs from 2 addresses at the same time, as if 2 people work on one account (and this is against the rules).
  • Browser extensions can lead to a ban faster than other tools. Even with low activity, such solutions can be more easily recognized by the LinkedIn detection algorithm than more technically advanced software. The code of such tools is embedded in the LinkedIn page, replacing some elements. The social network mechanism may be able to detect such activity. Therefore, even a minimum of suspicious behaviour can be detrimental to your account.
  • You take a risk when you choose cloud base tools that use an API. At the same time, we advise you to be more trusting of software that works like a browser (like Linked Helper). Next, we will reveal more technical explanations for why we believe this. But even when choosing between such tools, you should understand that only developers know the intricacies of the work and rarely reveal them publicly. Therefore, the presence of successful cases of other users, time in the market, and reviews can help you in choosing the best tool for automation.
  • You are responsible for the security of your profile. Some users, having connected an automation solution, will then ignore the simple rules and limits that are prescribed by the developers. In the pursuit of fast results, even the most technically secure tool can harm your profile. Therefore, in this article we will give a set of rules that every resourceful user who has taken a robot as an assistant should know.

The essence of LinkedIn automation: how the main types of software differ

Automation appeared in response to the need of users to minimize manual actions in the social network for faster growth of their account and business. That is, these assistants are a clever hack that takes you a level above the average user who does not aim to generate leads, sales, or build a funnel for social selling.

Read a detailed guide on how to create a social selling campaign for an SaaS product in our blog.

What can LinkedIn activity automation solutions do? These tools can perform almost all activities from your account: send out connection requests, like and write comments, invite to events and to follow your organization’s profile, and write bulk messages and InMails. Another important plus is the presence of a data parser. Since your leads’ social media profiles contain emails, contact details, and descriptions in their summaries that are necessary for understanding your audience, scraping this data may be highly useful in starting or growing a business on LinkedIn.

Automation will help you:

  • Reach 7-10 times more leads to expand your network and mailing lists. Thanks to the work through the software, you can find a connection with the right people much faster than manually. Also, certain opportunities to bypass the social network’s limits are not available to users at all without automation. For example, since LinkedIn recently cancelled the ability to send bulk invites through an email file, almost no other software except Linked Helper can send bulk invites. Linked Helper has a built-in ability to send invites through an undocumented feature of LinkedIn, which allows us to keep the bulk invites feature (up to 1,000 per week instead of 100).
  • Build step-by-step communication automatically. If you work with leads manually, it can be difficult for you to systematically perform actions every day, even if it is just with 20 users. For example, if you put likes and comments today, and in a few days you intend to send invites to these users, it will be difficult for you to remember everyone if you work manually. Meanwhile, in the software you simply add leads to the funnel, which consists of a set of actions which will be performed gradually, taking into account the pauses that you assign in the software.
  • Keep records of leads and campaigns in the CRM. Having a single CRM with lists and customer cards, the ability to search and filter, and tags will help you segment LinkedIn users. Therefore, when choosing software for automation, pay attention to this possibility (Chrome extensions will not cover this need).

As we saw earlier, LinkedIn automation software can be divided into three types – browser-based, cloud-based that interact with LinkedIn via API, or browser extensions.  The difference between all of the options is how the tool performs actions. For example:

linkedin security
  • When working through a cloud solution, actions are performed through the cloud, where API requests are used. Also, such software will most likely create an IP address for you and will work with the browser but not as a real user would. Rather, although it will look like actions are done through a browser, by applying the detection algorithm LinkedIn can recognize that. When working directly, part of the API requests may not pass to the server, while when clicking buttons as a Linked Helper or working manually in the browser, these requests reach the server. LinkedIn can calculate the difference and understand that the user is not using a browser but is sending requests directly. And this gives away the software’s actions as the actions of a robot.
  • Extensions for automation. You can download and install them directly into the browser from which you manage your social network account. This kind of automation is the easiest to implement, so the first version of Linked Helper was a plugin. Usually, extensions can perform basic functions like inviting and mass messaging. This is now the least trusted method of automation! 

Why should you forget about using plugins for LinkedIn automation?

When choosing an automation method, we advise you to abandon the idea of ​​installing a plugin, for example for Chrome. Yes, this solution may be the quickest to install and the easiest, but if you’re looking for security, then it’s worth skipping.

The fact is that LinkedIn methods in detecting automation through extensions work quite effectively. And for this reason, the first version of Linked Helper could not continue to exist as a plugin. 

One of the social network’s detection algorithms literally scans the activities inside the browser and can detect traces of the plugin and immediately send a message to the LinkedIn server. For example, this algorithm can compare the HTML tags of a certain plugin and match them with files from the Chrome store. Although the Linked Helper extension passed such a test, the new and improved algorithm turned out to be more tricky.

It would launch at a random time during a LinkedIn session, sending a page fragment with all the content to the server for verification. And such an analysis made it possible to detect traces of the use of the extension. Although the Linked Helper extension was improved, we realized that working in a downloadable format could be a safer alternative.

Also, the sale of extensions within the Chrome store imposes restrictions on the security of plugins. For this reason, LH1 ceased to exist there and was transferred to users as an archive. In addition, updates to the Chrome browser itself will make it impossible to use code that blocks the LinkedIn API.

What if you use a different browser? Even the outdated APIs of alternative browsers are not able to fully reproduce the actions as a human would do them. Plugin-based automation is completely insecure, as a normal browser can distinguish whether an action is done by a person or a third-party application – this can be seen in the event code.


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Therefore, there are enough reasons to leave such assistants in the past. But now we should understand the difference between cloud-based automation and one that works like a browser, but as a separate software.

Make a choice: cloud-based vs. desktop LinkedIn automation

cloud-based vs. desktop LinkedIn automation

The use of cloud automation is shrouded in a security myth. But in fact, the LinkedIn detection mechanisms are able to identify this type of automation easily even if you are allocated a unique IP address for use.

When you use browser-based automation (such as Linked Helper), you are essentially performing normal browser actions on your profile. And the only thing that can give you away is activity that is not natural for a real user – for example, sending out 300 connection requests per hour through searching for profiles by inserting a link to their account. Such an action is the mark of a bad product for automation (which is why Linked Helper does not do this kind of action).

Why is cloud automation via LinkedIn API less secure than browser-based software?

Many users have to learn how to extract data from social media about clients. Some tools automate the work with LinkedIn using API for certain operations. Some API requests can be used for sending bulk messages, others for parsing profiles. When automation cloud-based software sends requests to the API to perform actions, these requests can be recognized by LinkedIn as automation. Therefore, such a tool is unlikely to be useful to you. 

There are also cloud solutions that work like a browser. But as a casual user, you will not have any technical proof of whether the tool is working as a browser or through the LinkedIn API via the cloud. Developers rarely make such technical information publicly available.

Linked Helper works like a browser, but it’s not the only tool that uses this technology. Even this type of automation may not always be a guarantee of secure work, because it is important to know what underlies this browser. This basis will predetermine its principle of behavior.

For example, there is a Node library like Puppeteer which often underpins browser automation. But it has disadvantages in the behavior that issues automatic actions. For example, button presses are made in the center, which is not typical for a real person. And such subtle distinctions can cost you an account if you choose the wrong browser-based automation.

Linked Helper does not use Puppeteer, which makes the tool the most secure browser solution. The fact is that the software has its own navigation bar where the user can watch in real time how the robot performs the prescribed actions. They are no different from the behavior of a person who has opened their profile and manually performs actions to grow their network or send messages.

An important feature is the ability to automate several accounts on one software. At Linked Helper we create unique fingerprints so you can connect multiple profiles. Linked Helper supports proxy settings when managing multiple accounts. How to manage multiple LinkedIn accounts. Therefore, the unique traces of the computer will be different for each session on different accounts. Not all cloud solutions provide such an opportunity.

What behavior does LinkedIn consider suspicious?

As we mentioned earlier in this article, the nature of the actions and their number, even with the most secure tool, is important for secure automation. Therefore, it may be useful for you to understand dangerous patterns in order to avoid them in your work, even if you decide to develop your account manually. This will take more time and effort, but adherence to behavioral patterns will still remain a critical condition for a secure profile.

  • Number of actions in a short time – LinkedIn sets limits for all activities so that users do not become a victim of spam and bulk sales messages.
  • Nature of actions – LinkedIn monitors how you perform activities and often even a person can get banned if the mechanism suspects actions similar to robotic ones.
  • Account access from multiple devices – This is a private stumbling block that can be a human error without a third party service.

Why is it dangerous to do a lot of activities on LinkedIn, even manually?

We run tests that aim to check the maximum possible number of actions that can be performed manually and not receive a warning. This is necessary to understand the limits allowed in automatic software.

According to our regular research and what users write, we understand that excessive activity can prompt the social network to impose restrictions on your account.

For example, you can even try manually visiting hundreds of  profiles and opening their Contact info every day.  We do not recommend doing this, because even manually opening profiles and clicking on the Connect button, you run the risk of meeting restrictions. It can also be an additional check of how selective you are in the selection of leads and a request for email confirmation of the recipients of the request. By the way, as of today, LinkedIn has completely canceled the ability to invite leads via email or via file upload, unless it is exporting emails from your calendar.

According to our tests, manually inviting leads in bulk from a search page on the social network can also end badly. For example, if you add people without interruption with a short pause (about 5 seconds), then you can be automatically logged out. All this happens because social networks are actively fighting robots, but in many cases even a real person can look like a robot to them.

Most automation services today offer mass invites to users within the limit of 100 per week. You can invite the same number of people manually according to the rules of the social network. Therefore, in this sense, Linked Helper automation is the only one of its kind that has a setting to increase outgoing invites beyond this limit without compromising page security. This will be possible through an undocumented LinkedIn feature. 

All in all, when you choose an automation tool that is technically advanced, you can achieve more in expanding your network of contacts. And trusting automation can be even safer than manual activity.

Why does LinkedIn block a certain behavior pattern?

The fact is that a typical robot or software that has been made hastily (like an ordinary extension) will reveal itself immediately in the nature of its actions. But sometimes even when a person opens their profile in a browser, if they perform actions in a certain way they will receive a warning. Therefore, the nature of the performance of activities is a clear indicator that is monitored by the social network’s detection systems.

What can make the algorithm doubt that you are a person?

A striking example is how you open an account for a specific user that you know in advance. You may have a link to their account, or you may know the name, which you enter in the search bar and select the desired option from the results. Even if for you as a user there is no difference in these actions, for the algorithm there is – because automation services or robots use link insertion to search for users from the list.

If you were to manually enter dozens of links into the search and send connection requests to them, then you would most likely be automatically thrown out of the system. And after such a warning, if you continue this activity, the system will give you a warning signal about the use of automation.

Linked Helper always tries to avoid using direct link navigation when finding people, sending invites, or messages. You can see this if you watch the campaign in the campaign runner. This will allow you to track every step of the software as if it were being made by an invisible person behind your monitor. So the robot will type the name of the lead (each one that will be added to the list of your drip campaign) in the search bar, go to their page, and only after that write a message or send a connection request. Therefore, such behavior may be even less suspicious than when a person manually visits profiles through the insertion of links.

Why is it important to invite only those who are likely to accept?

Even if you send a few invites and all manually, the algorithm may be suspicious of you if people often reject your request or click the option that they don’t know this person. Such an indicator is important for the algorithm because it helps to identify annoying or spammy users that would make networking in the community an unpleasant experience.

You must understand that even if you send 1,000 invites and 10 of them are accepted, this may be a signal that you are a robot or a non-existent user. Therefore, in the future, the social network may impose restrictions on your profile, for example, reducing the number of allowed invites per week.

For this reason, it is important to understand the priority not so much of the number of invites but of how many of them will potentially be accepted. There are certain hacks that will make you more likely to get a positive result, or at least avoid someone clicking that they don’t know you.

To increase conversions and improve reactions to your invites try the following:

Warm up the leads before the actual invite. Sometimes it can be useful to interact with people’s profiles in advance to pique their interest before they receive an invite from you. This should be effective because when you like someone’s post, they will see your name in their notifications and will be prepared to receive an invite from you.

It makes sense to wait at least a day between putting likes and sending an invite to the leads. You can do this manually or automatically through Linked Helper. In the software, you can easily add an action that the software will perform before the mass invite and you do not have to remember who you liked or when to send an invite.

Use a message along with an invite.People read the texts that you write when they see your invite. Even if there are a lot of invites in the user’s list, your short text can hook them. Therefore, do not add default text, but think over a pitch that will reveal how you can be useful to the person or briefly describe the essence of why you want to contact them.

Linked Helper allows you to add message texts to mass invites that you can customize. This is possible through the use of an undocumented LinkedIn feature. In this case, automated invites and messages can be deeply personalized – you can add custom variables or set up logical operators to vary the message text for different users. Read how deep personalization works in Linked Helper.

Be sure to cancel all invites that do not get a response. This will help you reduce the rate of actually rejected requests. If there are a lot of sent and unanswered invites from your profile, this may be a sign for the algorithm to limit your inviting or even ban you. You can automatically cancel all unaccepted requests with a single command in Linked Helper. This is convenient when you have created an automatic funnel for thousands of people – now you don’t have to clean outgoing requests dozens or hundreds of times.

Read how it works in our knowledge base

Which aspect is the most important for cloud security at LinkedIn? 

Like other social networks, LinkedIn monitors the IP of users as part of its security framework. You may have seen a warning or extra check triggered after you log in from a new location. This protects the social network from hackers, including your account.

But geolocation can also fail if you use a low-quality cloud automation tool. Even with manual work, if you transfer access to your profile to a person who is located in another country, this may cause a block or a warning reminding you that only you yourself can operate the profile. Even contacting LinkedIn promotion specialists (if they are real people) can become a threat if you do not use protection methods like proxies and VPNs.

Such behavior, when detected by the algorithm, is unlikely to become a reason for the account to be liquidated, but at least you will have to prove that you yourself used the account. Such proceedings may take several days. However, this is another case where both automation and inappropriate actions of real people can lead to undesirable consequences.

Essential steps to starting your campaign via a browser-based tool 

As we found out earlier, using browser-based automation can be the most secure alternative to plugins and cloud solutions. When choosing an assistant in promoting on LinkedIn, you should study the technical specifications as much as possible. If you don’t understand them, you can rely on the reviews, the availability of 24/7 support, and the time the product has been on the market. By all criteria, Linked Helper is one of the safest automation methods, which at the same time is technically advanced. That is, it will allow you to do more than alternative products, for example, bypass invite limits through an undocumented feature – this ability is to our software.

In fact, you can see for yourself by running the product that your account will work as if an invisible assistant presses buttons and opens pages and you can watch everything in real time.

Downloadable software – the safest automation option

Linked Helper is a downloadable desktop software. And you can be sure that LinkedIn detection will not recognize its work as it may with a plugin or cloud automation (sending incorrect APIs may be suspicious).

Plus, you can install the software on any of the popular operating systems for free and quickly (no more than 15 minutes). You will have 14 days to test the features and make sure that the actions are performed securely and according to the model of human behavior.

Connect your LinkedIn profiles

Linked Helper allows you to add one or more accounts to a tool. To open multiple accounts and manage campaigns, you will need a license and also to install a proxy. You can find detailed instructions in the knowledge base: How to manage multiple LinkedIn accounts

It’s also nice that Linked Helper will work equally well with basic LinkedIn, Recruiter, and Sales Navigator. You can read what the difference is between managing a profile in a regular account and in Sales Navigator. For some actions (such as liking) the software can switch between platforms if you specify it in the settings.

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This technical capability gives users more flexibility in running campaigns. Moreover, after the paid LinkedIn subscription expires, the lists of your leads, your correspondence with them, and other data will be saved in the Linked Helper CRM even when they become unavailable on the social network. That is, by connecting automation, you also create a backup of your business activities and save all the accumulated data.

Start a campaign without diving deep into features

If you are new to automation and do not know how drip campaigns work, you will appreciate the intuitive interface and campaign templates. What does that mean?

For example, you can create a campaign whose goal is to invite & follow up. Based on this goal, the software will open serial windows including step-by-step settings for you with a minimum of input data (you will need to add texts and select the desired settings). After that, the software will offer to collect a list of users in the Queue list – this is the target audience of the drip campaign, which you can sort using LinkedIn’s built-in filters. As a result, without any background in marketing strategy or software, you will receive a ready-made set of actions – that is, your first campaign.

Watch tutorial videos on how to use the software and set up campaigns in Linked Helper.

When adding texts for messages, you can use apply variables – for example, the software will use the name of the lead, their position, or the number of shared connections you have with them. This will increase the chances that you will get replies. 

You can start with market analysis and scraping for free

This is a simple step that will help you prepare for a LinkedIn campaign if you don’t know your audience, competitors, and don’t have segments. Also, scraping data from the social network can be your method to get emails of leads and important audiences that you can use for email drip campaigns.

Each profile in a social network, whether it is the account of a person or organization, contains data that can be useful for analysis. Therefore, Linked Helper has a separate opportunity to visit profiles and collect data that you can then see in the CRM and export as a file. For example, you may be interested in text descriptions of accounts for market analysis. Or using email scraping you can use the downloaded file for an automated email campaign alongside your LinkedIn marketing. Linked Helper gives users more options than just parsing emails among their 1st degree contacts. You can get emails from your 2nd and 3rd degree of connection through the internal database of the Email Finder. Everyone using LH may agree to share data, and your 2nd/3rd degree contacts may be someone else’s 1st-degree.  Or you can do a joint search through integration with the service This way you can find the emails listed in the database of this service by the lead name, surname, and organization.

By downloading the CSV file, you can also transfer leads to any CRM in which you work, as well as sorting leads any way you like using Excel.

Build drip campaigns for any business needs

In Linked Helper you can create several campaigns that can perform any business tasks on LinkedIn, such as finding a new employee, generating leads, organizing events, increasing brand awareness, or collecting reviews for your company account.

This will open up new opportunities for social media marketing that would be hard to imagine without automation. Because for such routine work in a social network, you might need more than one employee and many files to monitor your customer base. While Linked Helper solves all these problems, it saves you time and helps you organize the data obtained when working with a wide audience.

As you can see, browser software offers not only enhanced ways to protect your profile, but also offers improved features. 

Safety tips for smooth campaigns 

These rules will help you understand how to use automation without compromising your account. We have developed them for our users, tested them in practice, and constantly update them following the updates of the LinkedIn algorithm.

Non-technical hacks to help you warm up your account safely

In order to create marketing campaigns, you may want to create a new account or purchase an older profile so that you can tailor it to your needs. In any case, the behavior and warming up of such an account will require certain knowledge from you. We warmed up accounts for our clients and collected the most actionable behavioral strategies for a new profile:

  1. Start with low activity. This means that 5-10 daily activities will be enough. Then every week or every 2 weeks you should gradually increase the activity by 5-10 actions.
  2. You can start working on an account manually. For a new account, we advise you not to focus only on invites. It is important to act like an interested user – scroll through the feed, like and leave comments. Invites alone are not enough.
  3. Research current groups and events and take part in some of them. The average user must take an interest in communities before expanding the network to their needs. Therefore, you can search for groups and events that may involve useful connections for you. This will help you further in campaigns, because group audiences are targeted audiences that you can add to automatic funnels. Therefore, such activity will help you warm up the profile and prepare the ground for future promotion.
  4. Assess the chances of your invites being accepted. Start expanding your network with the audience most likely to accept your requests. It can be your colleagues, friends, or people from the same group with common interests. Do not immediately try to add leads to an empty profile. Because a lot of refusals by people clicking “Don’t know this person” may lead to a ban.
  5. Never use private messages for advertising. Do not spam or send promotional messages or offers. This can cause a negative reaction from users and in private messages you will be blocked for spam.
  6. Links in first messages & connection requests are not allowed. Don’t send any links, at least not in the first couple of months of warming up. Then you can add links in private messages (for example, to videos on YouTube), but not in invites – the LinkedIn algorithm does not welcome this.
  7. Add a new profile to Linked Helper after two weeks. When there are at least 20 connections in the account, you can add the profile to Linked Helper to start working through automation. Start with the small activities where you left off working manually.
  8. If you bought a profile or created an account with a fictitious name for some reason, it’s best not to change it. This may create unnecessary suspicions for verification.

Important: It’s advisable not only to spread invites and send messages. For the algorithm, such activity alone seems too narrowly focused for natural behavior. It is important to add different actions, such as liking, following,  and endorsing skills whenever possible. This will help your actions look more natural.

When is an account considered mature & do the tactics change?

A mature account is considered to be one that has existed for more than one year and has 1,000+ connections. At the same time, points 6 and 7 above are relevant for accounts of any age. Don’t use links in invites and start with incremental activity through automation, trying to diversify your activities (not just invites and posts).

From a mature account, you can send offers to potential leads, but spam or open advertising is still unacceptable. Even with a mature account, it makes sense to also start actively joining groups and events. This is especially practical if you have few 1st degree connections and you aim to boost your network since cool events and groups can be mentioned in your invitation messages to increase acceptance.

Even if the account is old, if you have not used it for a long time or used it very little, we would recommend starting with 50 actions and increasing the number of actions gradually (every week to two weeks).

These caveats will help you, as a beginner in automation, to use it like a real expert. For example, often inexperienced users can add many new LinkedIn accounts in order to get customers faster. As a result, they will get a ban, but not because of automation. Because if you do not comply with these standards even by manually developing the profile, the algorithm will not like it.

Technical tips for safe automation

  • Be sure to use a proxy of the country where your LinkedIn account is based. For example, you can manage an account from one country while you originally registered it in another one, which may create problems. We highly recommend using a proxy if you are based in a different country and may run 3 – 5 and more accounts on your PC. Especially if these accounts do not belong to your colleagues / relatives, i.e. they are not using the same network provider.
  • Open a new browser session for each profile. If you need to access other accounts that you manage from the same browser, then you need to use a separate Chrome instance for each account. Read more in the Precautions and best practices knowledge base.
  • You cannot use the same account from different platforms at the same time. For example, opening it in Linked Helper, in a browser, and from a mobile device at the same time. Read more at the link. 
  • Do not open profiles through their URL. You cannot manually open many profiles via their links. This can be pasting the URL into the address bar and pressing enter, or right-clicking on the full name and choosing “Open in a new tab.” Pressing the middle mouse button (wheel) has the same effect.
  • Use different credit cards for paid subscriptions if you have multiple profiles with fictitious names. If you start paid subscriptions, then it is advisable not to use the same card, especially for fake profiles. 
  • Respect limits. We have put together a guide about limits in the knowledge base.
  • The location in the LinkedIn profile must match the IP location. You can check the actual IP location tracked by LinkedIn and make sure if it matches via this link. New accounts especially often can be blocked for a mismatch and required to clarify the circumstances and verify their identity.

Finally: Why should you try automation?

You can be sure that using automation for LinkedIn marketing and lead generation is possible and even necessary. It is only important to understand the security measures and follow the rules for using the software. The most important thing to remember is that even using automated promotion methods, you should not neglect the existing social network limits, and use a warmed-up account, not a new one, to work through the software.

Linked Helper is one of the few software solutions that openly shows users how to automate their actions. After downloading the software, you can make sure that it works like a browser in which your LinkedIn profile is open and actions are performed according to the instructions you specified.

By promoting your profile through this tool, you can reach hundreds of thousands of leads and keep track of customers and prospects with greater efficiency than if you manually search for them.

Reasons to try connecting your account to Linked Helper:

Saving time. Once you have set up the program, you will no longer spend time setting up actions. This will save you a lot of time because you will only have to change the audience and message texts, while the campaign templates will remain saved in Linked Helper.

Managing your relationships with clients through the CRM. Working with leads on a social network you can have thousands of clients, and managing them in a file is not very convenient. Therefore, automation will help you, among other things, to organize the process of maintaining a customer base. In Linked Helper, each lead you find on the social network will have a personal card with data from LinkedIn, in which you can add notes and comments.

Backing up your data and communications with leads.  If you use Sales Navigator for lead generation, then the entire communication history will become unavailable on LinkedIn after the subscription expires. That is, you will not be able to unsubscribe from a paid package if you want to keep all your business data. At the same time, if you use Linked Helper automation, then the correspondence history and user lists will always be available in the CRM. You can also download data in a CSV file, for example a list of leads and the history of your correspondence with them.

Great coverage. Through automation, you can reach a lot more people, which will be much more effective for sales. For example, instead of 100 allowed invites per day, you can send 7 times more if you use the undocumented Linked Helper feature. An example of how many actions you can perform each day can be found on the screen below.

Compatible with all LinkedIn solutions. You can use automation regardless of which package you use – the software will work with the basic profile and the advanced features of Navigator or Recruiter.

Real case – how many invites can you make safely?

linkedin security

 We constantly test the software and check how many automatic actions can be performed daily. Some of our clients perform even more activities. As you can see from real experiments, it is safe and realistic to perform up to 120 actions through automation. Imagine how much time you would spend doing these activities manually on a daily basis through the LinkedIn website or app. By installing Linked Helper, you risk nothing and can turn your social network account into a business tool that will work for you even while you sleep. 

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About the author

  • Margarita Servar

    Margarita is a Content Manager and author at the Linked Helper blog, dedicated to providing practical and useful material. She conducts research and tests automation tools, drawing on practical experiences and interviews with LinkedIn marketing experts.

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